Monday, March 20, 2017

Volcanoes by Ainhoa


Resultado de imagen de uniformes escolares ingleses


Resultado de imagen de colegios ingleses
In England children go to school with an uniform from the ages 5 to 11.
Children's uniforms are like this:
Shirt and trousers, or skirts for the girls.
 Girls at summer wear dresses. Uniforms are usually dark-blue, grey and red.
Children go to school from Monday to Friday from 9 o´clock to 3 o´clock.At the playground children play Football or Netball. Netball is like  Basketball but with other rules.
In England each school has different uniforms.
In England children have music class where they learn how to play instruments, like the drums.
At English schools, children have a packed lunch in the playground.
Thats all, thank for your atenttion.

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