Monday, March 20, 2017

Volcanoes by Ainhoa


Resultado de imagen de uniformes escolares ingleses


Resultado de imagen de colegios ingleses
In England children go to school with an uniform from the ages 5 to 11.
Children's uniforms are like this:
Shirt and trousers, or skirts for the girls.
 Girls at summer wear dresses. Uniforms are usually dark-blue, grey and red.
Children go to school from Monday to Friday from 9 o´clock to 3 o´clock.At the playground children play Football or Netball. Netball is like  Basketball but with other rules.
In England each school has different uniforms.
In England children have music class where they learn how to play instruments, like the drums.
At English schools, children have a packed lunch in the playground.
Thats all, thank for your atenttion.

GIPHY Studios Originals bye holidays goodbye happy holidays GIF

Monday, February 13, 2017

Mireia Belmonte by Katia De La Fuente.


                               AMAZING  RECORDS


James Brown tiene una obsesión extraña      
         He's 33 years old and his name is James Brown.
         He has got 322 vacuum cleaners but he doesn´t like             cleaning. AMAZING!

                        WITH HIGH HEELS:

Una carrera con una dificultad extra   She is from Germany.
Her name is Julia Plecher. She runs 100 metres in 14 seconds in a night dress. BEAUTIFUL!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Donald Trump by Unai Muñoz

Atila by Iker

When Atila died he hunos became a simple villaje.

His name is Atila.
He was born in 395 and he died in 453 in Panonia, the actual Hungary. He was 58 years old when he died.

He became king in 434 with his brother,
but he killed him in 445.
Resultado de imagen de atila
He died the night of his wedding. 
His succesor was Elac and his predecesors were Bleda and Rua

His father´s name is Mundruk.
Imagen relacionadaHe conquered  part of Asia and Europe.

Welcome to Hawaii



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                       Hawaii is in the USA. Hawaii consists of eight islands. These islads are mountainous. They are volcanic. The capital city is Honolulu.

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There are a lot of animals in the sea: Turtles, whales and dolphins are the most common apart from fish

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The Hula Dance is very famous in Hawaii. The Costume they wear is full of flowers.

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Surfing is tradicional sport in Hawaii. They start surfing when they are five years old. It`s very popular in Hawaii.
Canoeing is very popular, too.
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Before  canoing they dance the Haka dance. Sometimes they use it to welcome people.